ANDYMION comprises the young poeples who are energetic£¬ enthusia£¬ patriotic£¬ accomplished and enterprising£¬ which is a private enterprise entity. We specialized in the development of natural arts and crafts and dissemination of outstanding culture of homestic and abroad in order to enrich the culture life of global people£¬ raise the Chinese's stastus of culture and promote the exchang and blend of homestic and abroad civilization. The advanced management thoery and model abroad have been led into our enterprise by which we have been obtainen the development and benifits now and then. The true essense of eternal growth of ANDYMION is the new moulding£¬ style and theme. Your stisefaction is our best pleasure and untiring pursuit. It makes us first not to be the least negligence and strive for perfection. These effective measurs provide very strong guarantee for all of the good quality products£¬ which include the fine raw materials£¬ skilled process and operation and strict quality standard. We provide you many kinds of fine products and valuable services. Our business bases itself upon homeland and radiat Asia£¬ South-east Asia£¬ America and European Union market. Our business includes wholesale£¬ retail and order according to your sample and requires. Our products can be used in or on sleeping room£¬ book room£¬ guest room£¬ meeting room£¬ office£¬ hall£¬ necknace£¬ bag and gift. Market Dept:135 1118 0004(If you are interested in our products.) QQ £º316 389 213£¨FOR HOMELAND£© ICQ£º250 404 877£¨FOR INTERNATIONAL£©